Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why Do You Need An Internet Business Mentor?

Would you rather be a slave to your business, or have them freedom to do whatever you want with your time? If you are like most people who want to make money online, the answer is obvious...

So when you imagine your ideal Internet business, do you see yourself taxed by a never ending to-do list? In my experience, most people see themselves traveling  the world rather than being stuck running all aspects of their online businesses themselves.

So why are you putting off taking steps to distance yourself from those day-to-day activities that are wasting your time?

Why do you not get a handle on those aspects of your business that you find yourself executing from one week to the next or one day after the other?

What prevents you from examining what you do and listing those activities so that you can transform them into business procedures?

What keeps you from assembling routine and common tasks you perform over and over and turning them into profitable business systems that others can execute for you? Is it fear? Plenty of people get over phobias every day. Many have walked over coals and have gotten over those fears.

What if I told you one of the biggest fears people have is fear of success? Are you afraid to succeed?

Whatever fears you may have, you have the power to overcome them. Fear is within you. Fear is in your head. Challenge your assumptions. Look at your beliefs that are holding you back and that are preventing you from realizing your dreams.

Perhaps you are bored? Boredom is a clue you should consider outsourcing tasks and procedures, because even though your activities might be necessary to your business, they are not getting you jazzed up. And so these activities more than likely are not a good use of your time.

Is uncertainty paralyzing you? Maybe you are not exactly sure what you should systematize, automate or outsource. I believe action is better than no action. One of my mentors told me about a niche site he set up. He had a ghostwriter author fifty autoresponders for him. It was not world-class copywriting by a long shot, but
his site did much better than competitors who had no autoresponder series at all.

So you make mistakes... so what? If you are committed to a process of constant improvement, you know that we learn from our mistakes. Tell that to the perfectionist in you.

As you consider what I've said, think about how much time you are investing in your business. Have you sat down and looked at the things that need to be done on a regular basis to see your business thrive... eventually without you?

Are you doing these activities, either by performing them yourself or by having someone else do them for you?

If you need direction and focus, join an intern program. If you don't know where to start, sign up to be an intern. If you want someone to show you the ropes, enroll in an intern program. There in black and white you will experience business systems to make your own business thrive. Yes, it is that easy! Wondering where
to find such an intern program? Here is one: http://www.InternAction.com.

Sara Coltan has been learning how to make money online with the free internet marketing tips at http://www.processtoprofits.com.

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